Driver uses a corporate carsharing vehicle for her business trip

Corporate car sharing: More sustainability and fewer costs in the fleet

The term car sharing is widespread, especially in large cities and urban areas, vehicle sharing among private individuals has already become established. In 2023, the number of private car-sharing users increased by 31.8% compared to the previous year. The concept is booming. And in the corporate context, car sharing is becoming increasingly interesting for many fleets. We take a closer look at the concept, explain who corporate car sharing is suitable for, and how software can assist in its successful implementation.

Corporate car sharing: A definition

In contrast to a conventional company fleet where each employee has an assigned company car, corporate car-sharing involves the communal use of vehicles. Drivers can book and use vehicles according to their needs. In some companies, private use of car-sharing vehicles is also permitted, which needs to be taken into account when In some companies, private use of car-sharing vehicles is also permitted, which needs to be taken into account when calculating the taxable benefit.

Companies don’t have to choose between the traditional company car model and a car-sharing concept. Both mobility concepts can be combined to meet the specific requirements of the fleet and the needs of employees.

Corporate car sharing is suitable for these fleets

In general, in-house car-sharing is suitable for companies of any size and industry looking to reduce fleet costs and align with sustainability goals. Particularly, companies whose employees infrequently undertake business trips or irregularly use vehicles can benefit significantly from a car-sharing concept. Fleets primarily covering short distances are also well-suited for vehicle sharing. However, if the fleet consists mainly of specialized vehicles or vehicles requiring specific qualifications to operate, they may only partially meet the requirements for successful corporate car-sharing.

The advantages of corporate car sharing for the fleet

Sharing vehicles comes with numerous financial and ecological advantages. Acquiring a company car for each employee requires capital and comes with costs. By collectively using vehicles, fleet managers can increase the utilization per vehicle, thereby reducing the number of vehicles and lowering acquisition, maintenance, and operational costs in the fleet. Unused vehicles, after all, contribute to unnecessary expenses.

The production of new vehicles is resource-intensive. However, corporate carsharing, requiring fewer vehicles in the fleet, is more sustainable and environmentally friendly than providing each employee with a vehicle. Additionally, integrating electric vehicles into a carsharing concept simplifies and further minimizes CO2 emissions in the fleet.

A modern, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective mobility concept also enhances the company’s image and increases attractiveness as an employer. Sustainable practices are increasingly crucial for many employees, customers, and business partners.

More environmentally friendly mobility concepts such as corporate car sharing contribute to climate protection
Instead of providing each employee with a vehicle, corporate carsharing is more environmentally friendly

Digital support through a corporate car-sharing software

To ensure smooth vehicle sharing, it is advisable to use a corporate car-sharing software. While organizing with the calendar tool of the email provider may initially seem like a cost-effective and straightforward solution, it eventually reaches its limits. On the other hand, software facilitates the management and booking of car-sharing vehicles, providing transparency in the fleet.

The advantages of corporate car-sharing software include:

  • Drivers can independently book vehicles.
  • Clear booking calendar for easy reference.
  • Automatic notifications for delays, changes, or cancellations.
  • Analytics to further optimize vehicle utilization.
  • Assists in complying with owner liability obligations.
  • Damages and defects on the vehicle can be documented and reported through the application.

This is how car sharing in the fleet works with software.

A software not only makes the work of fleet managers easier but also simplifies the booking and return of vehicles for drivers. Essentially, vehicle sharing with a digital solution works as follows:

  1. Data Upload: Fleet managers initially upload all relevant vehicle and driver data into the software.
  2. Vehicle Booking: Subsequently, drivers can access the vehicle pool through a smartphone app or a web application and book a vehicle for the desired period. The software assigns a suitable vehicle for each trip, taking into account leasing kilometers and the range of electric vehicles.
  3. Vehicle Access and Usage: Once the booking is completed, the employee receives a booking confirmation and can pick up the assigned vehicle at the designated location. In case of delays or changes, the employee is also notified via email. Access to the vehicle is available 24/7 and can be organized either through a key cabinet or a portable key box placed in the car.
  4. Compliance with Owner Liability Obligations: Even with car-sharing pool vehicles, fleet managers must fulfill their owner liability obligations, including regular driver’s license checks and UVV driver training. A software supports this by conducting a comparison of valid checks before each trip.
  5. Vehicle Return: After usage, the vehicle must be returned to the agreed-upon time and location. The software terminates the vehicle usage, and the vehicle becomes available to other employees. Any damages or defects discovered on the vehicle can be documented directly in the application and forwarded for internal processing.

Test electric vehicles?

With a car subscription, you can test without commitment whether an electric car is suitable for your fleet. No hidden costs and starting from a one-month term.

The key points on the topic of corporate car sharing

Corporate car sharing is a mobility concept where vehicles within a company are collectively used and can be flexibly booked based on needs.

Corporate car sharing can increase the utilization of vehicles in the fleet, leading to a reduction in the number of vehicles. This, in turn, helps in lowering costs for acquisition, maintenance, and insurance.

Software facilitates vehicle organization, automates driver communication, and assists in fulfilling owner liability obligations.

Additional fleet management knowledge

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