Driver training according to UVV

Your duties in the fleet: Driver instruction according to UVV

UVV stands for “Unfallverhütungsvorschriften” (accident prevention regulations) and contains regulations designed to prevent accidents and damage to health in the workplace. Regular driver training in accordance with the accident prevention regulations is a statutory requirement in the vehicle fleet. After all, anyone who provides their employees with company vehicles must also train them in the safe handling of the vehicles. In our blog, we look at the most important aspects of UVV-compliant instruction and give you an overview of the consequences of non-compliance.

What is UVV instruction?

Company vehicles are work equipment and can endanger safety if used improperly. This is why driver training in accordance with UVV is part of occupational health and safety in the vehicle fleet and is prescribed by law. Drivers are given regular instruction on how to handle the vehicles safely and how to behave in the event of accidents. The aim is to minimize the risk in the fleet and for all drivers. Adequate driver training in accordance with UVV should take place at least once a year .

Who carries out the UVV driver training?

In general, the employer or management is responsible for carrying out driver training, but can also delegate this to other persons in the company. This is usually the fleet manager.

If you as a fleet manager are responsible for the proper implementation of the UVV driver training, you are responsible for organizing and conducting the training as well as documenting all instructions. This plays a fundamental role, especially in the event of a claim.

How can driver training be carried out in accordance with the UVV?

Driver training can be carried out as classroom training or electronically. However, the organization and implementation of a face-to-face event is time-consuming and costly. Appointments have to be planned and rooms organized. In addition, there is the coordination of the participants and, last but not least, the content must be prepared in a technically correct manner.

Instruction via an e-learning course is much more convenient – for both fleet management and drivers. This can be carried out from anywhere and at any time. Participants are automatically invited to the training and the test results are saved in an audit-proof manner.

Fleethouse’s driver training e-learning course provides drivers with flexible instruction, regardless of whether they are in the office, at home or on the road. The training content has already been fully developed and is regularly updated to comply with legal requirements. The software also handles communication with the drivers for you and automatically sends out invitations to the course. Every training session carried out is then fully documented.

Driver instruction according to UVV
Young business person test drive new vehicle driving

What is the DGUV 70 regulation and what do the legal requirements say?

The need for driver training in accordance with the UVV is anchored in several places in the law:

  • § Section 12 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (ArbSchG) states that employers must instruct their employees on health and safety in the workplace.
  • § Section 12 of the German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV ) and Section 4 of DGVU Regulation 1 stipulate that employees must be properly instructed once a year before using work equipment for the first time.
  • This is supplemented in the vehicle fleet by § 35 DGUV regulation 70. The paragraph stipulates that employees may only be entrusted with driving the vehicle after receiving appropriate driver training.

The DGUV is the accident prevention regulation of the German Social Accident Insurance, which specifies the handling of vehicles in the company. If the company car is replaced during the year, additional training is also required.

What are the consequences of failing to comply with driver training in accordance with the UVV?

It is essential that you comply with your duty to instruct. If you fail to do so, there may be serious consequences in the event of an accident. The severity of the injuries caused by the accident is irrelevant.

It is not only the company that faces severe fines, the fleet manager can also be held personally liable. Fines of up to EUR 10,000 can be imposed. In addition, statutory accident insurance does not cover damage to health or life. The employers’ liability insurance association can even reclaim the payments made if the employer has intentionally or grossly negligently disregarded its obligations. If the instruction was delegated to a person who is not professionally or personally suitable for the task, this constitutes negligence in selection or supervision. In this case, you could even face a fine of up to EUR 1 million or a prison sentence.

To stay on the safe side, you should not make any compromises when implementing the UVV instruction. Fulfill your fleet management obligations in good time and avoid unpleasant consequences for yourself and your company.

Our conclusion for driver training according to UVV

A safe vehicle fleet is of great importance for every company. One of the most important duties here is to instruct employees in accordance with the accident prevention regulations (UVV) for vehicles and drivers. DGUV Regulation 70 lays down the rules for safety in the workplace (as in cars) in the vehicle fleet and regulates all essential topics that are important for the operational use of vehicles.

Under no circumstances should the provision of instruction be taken lightly, as companies and fleet managers may face severe penalties. Instruction via an e-learning course requires little effort and employees can be tested at any time and from any location.

UVV driver instruction module

All drivers receive flexible training in the safe handling of vehicles and how to behave in the event of accidents via an e-learning course. The results are verifiably filed for you.

The most important information on driver training according to UVV at a glance

Driver instruction in accordance with the UVV is one of the most important owner liability obligations and is enshrined in law.

Regular instruction (at least once a year) in accordance with the accident prevention regulations ensures that employees are trained in the safe handling of vehicles.

Failure to comply with the UVV can have serious consequences: severe fines and even imprisonment.

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