A number of regulations must be observed when managing pool vehicles

Pool Vehicles in the Fleet: Obligations, Regulations, and Tips

Pool vehicles offer both economic and ecological advantages. Managing and maintaining them, much like traditional company cars, requires careful planning and organization. Clear guidelines for usage, regular maintenance, and appropriate insurance are crucial aspects. In this article, we provide you with tips on what matters in the administration of pool vehicles in the fleet.

Establishing a clear set of rules for usage

A pool vehicle agreement outlines all rules and obligations for the use of car-sharing vehicles within the company. For instance, if private use is prohibited, this should be clearly stated in the agreement to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts. If private trips with pool vehicles are allowed, it results in a taxable benefit, which can be assessed either through the 1 percent method or by maintaining a travel log.

The agreement should also specify which employees are authorized to use pool vehicles and to what extent. Additionally, it’s crucial to regularly review and update these guidelines.

Owner liability applies even to pool vehicles

Whether it’s a traditional company car or a shared pool vehicle, providing employees with vehicles also means fulfilling the legally mandated owner liability obligations. This includes regular driver training according to UVV (accident prevention regulations) and checking the validity of driving licenses. Digital tools not only assist in meeting these obligations but also save time and minimize organizational efforts.

With the help of a smartphone app, drivers can conveniently scan their driving licenses on the go. The results are documented seamlessly, and to ensure no inspection deadlines are forgotten, both you and the drivers receive reminders for upcoming and overdue checks.

The UVV driver training as an e-learning course educates drivers on the safe handling of vehicles and proper behavior in accidents or adverse weather conditions. The learning content is fully developed and readily available. Here too, the test results are comprehensively stored, providing you with a corresponding proof in case of any incidents.

Instructing employees safely?

Train your drivers at least once a year in the safe handling of vehicles according to UVV. The best way to do this is through e-learning.

Cleaning and maintenance

It is crucial that pool vehicles are regularly maintained and cleaned, especially given their intensive use. Maintenance reduces the risk of unexpected issues and extends the lifespan of the vehicles. The maintenance intervals, determined by the manufacturer, vary depending on the vehicle type and are typically recorded in the service manual.

The cleanliness of the vehicles is also vital as they are used by different employees. A well-maintained car not only contributes to retaining its value but also positively influences driver motivation and leaves a good impression during business appointments. Regular cleanings are therefore important for both preserving value and ensuring the well-being of drivers.

To promptly address vehicle damages, a software solution can be beneficial. Drivers can easily document defects and internally forward them for swift resolution.

In a pool vehicle agreement, you should specify the extent to which employees are responsible for cleaning the pool vehicles.
Regularly cleaning pool vehicles inside and out not only boosts employee satisfaction but also preserves the vehicles' value.


Just like company cars, pool vehicles must be appropriately insured. This notably includes the legally required motor liability insurance. This coverage addresses damages to third-party vehicles and individuals if an accident is caused by a company vehicle.

Comprehensive insuranceopen_in_new covers damages to the company-owned vehicle resulting from events such as theft, fire, explosion, glass breakage, storm, hail, lightning, or flooding. Additionally, comprehensive insurance extends to at-fault accidents and vandalism.

For a larger fleet, you may consider obtaining fleet insurance. This typically provides comprehensive coverage for all vehicles in the fleet and often comes with discounted terms compared to individual insurance policies.

The essentials on the topic of pool vehicles in the fleet

In a pool vehicle agreement, establish all rules regarding the use of the vehicles. This creates a clear, binding set of regulations and helps prevent conflicts.

Pool vehicles should be regularly cleaned and maintained to avoid unnecessary and costly repairs, ensuring the vehicles are operationally sound.

Regularly check the driving licenses of all employees and provide them with training on the safe use of pool vehicles.

Additional fleet knowledge

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