Fleethouse knowledge hub

The Fleethouse knowledge center is your point of contact when it comes to exciting guide articles and helpful webinars on all fleet-related topics.

Die Fleethouse Wissenstankstelle bietet geballtes Fachwissen im Fuhrparkmanagement. Von informativen Blogbeiträgen über die optimale Versicherungsauswahl bis hin zu interaktiven Webinaren zur digitalen Fuhrparkverwaltung - hier finden Sie Antworten auf alle wichtigen Fragen. Melden Sie sich noch heute für unsere beliebten Webinare an und bleiben Sie über aktuelle Fuhrpark-News auf dem Laufenden, indem Sie den Carano-Newsletter abonnieren.


Fleet knowledge

Which insurance policies are important for a vehicle fleet? Is a car subscription worthwhile? And what should you look out for when leasing a company car? We answer these and many other questions on the Fleethouse blog. Because there is plenty of know-how, practical tips and advice here.

Nachhaltiges Fuhrparkmanagement

Measures for sustainable fleet management

At a time when environmental protection and resource efficiency are becoming increasingly important, sustainable fleet management is an indispensable task for fleet managers. Companies are

Registration: Do you want to give Excel the boot?

Register with Fleethouse and organize your company vehicles digitally. You can test all functions of the software for 30 days.


Our webinars contain a wealth of industry knowledge. If you would like to find out more about digital fleet management, for example, then you've come to the right place. Register now and secure one of the popular places!

Webinar zum Thema Checkliste für das Fuhrparkmanagement

Checklist for fleet management - tips for an efficient fleet (in German)

You know it best: organizing your fleet can be very time-consuming and often has to be done on the side. As experts in digital fleet management, in our webinar we give you  a practical guide on what to look out for in fleet management – from legal aspects to the form of financing.

This not only saves you a lot of time in your day-to-day fleet operations, but also money. 

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