Digital claims management speeds up the processing of claims and makes vehicles ready for use again quickly

Digital Damage Management: 5 Advantages of a Software Solution

From recording the damage to communicating with the insurance company and organizing replacement vehicles, the processing of damages is usually a cumbersome and, above all, time-consuming task in fleet management. Fleet managers spend about 30 percent of their workdayopen_in_new on damage managementopen_in_new , time that is lacking for other important tasks. Software solutions automate the associated processes and help reduce costs. In this article, you will learn how digital damage management can ease your daily fleet management.

What is digital damage management?

Digital damage management refers to the use of software solutions and IT applications to digitally process and optimize the process of damage reporting, processing, and settlement. Digital solutions not only accelerate the processes but also ensure more transparency and lower costs in fleet management. This way, vehicles are quickly back in operation, and costly downtime is minimized.

These are the advantages of digital damage management.

With software for damage processing, fleet managers are significantly relieved of time-consuming manual steps. Not only the recording and documentation of damages, but also communication with workshops, insurance companies, and drivers is a true time-consuming aspect of daily fleet management. A digital solution addresses this directly and offers the following benefits.

1. Automated processes

When there is damage in the fleet, quick action is crucial. Otherwise, there is a significant risk of disrupting operations and incurring unnecessary costs. Prolonged downtime can harm business success and reduce efficiency. However, many steps need to be considered in this process.

With a software-based solution, many manual steps, such as recording, prioritizing, and forwarding damage reports, can be automated. Damages can be reported quickly and easily and forwarded to the fleet manager. This saves a tremendous amount of time in the fleet and helps reduce costs. Processes can be accelerated, and efficiency can be increased accordingly.

2. More transparency

All documents, whether appraisals, cost estimates, invoices, or photos, are collected in a digital damage file. Such a central, digital database ensures that all information related to a damage is stored in one place. This facilitates access and ensures that all parties involved have access to the same information. The tracking and verification of information are also simplified in this way.

3. Reducing costs

By automating processes and improving communication, both internally and with external parties, the processing time of damage cases can be significantly reduced. This, in turn, leads to shorter downtime for vehicles and therefore lower costs.

Thanks to digital claims management, fleets can communicate with workshops particularly quickly and efficiently
The faster and more efficiently you can communicate with garages, the quicker damaged company cars are ready for use again. Expensive downtimes are reduced to a minimum thanks to a software solution.

4. Digital damage reporting

The evaluation of damages plays a central role, especially regarding cost control and the implementation of corresponding measures. In a meaningful report, all data such as the type of damage, frequency of damagesopen_in_new , damage causer, and damage costs are analyzed. This makes it easy to determine where the sources of damage and costs lie in the fleet and what optimization measures can be taken.

Software also allows tracking the history of vehicles, including all previous damages, repairs, and maintenance work. This can be helpful in identifying recurring problems and causes of damages to avoid them in the future. Additionally, the information can be used to implement preventive measures, such as targeted driver training.

5. Prevention of damages

Damage management begins with the prevention of damages. Training drivers in the proper handling of vehicles and anticipatory driving can increase safety in the fleet and minimize the risk of damages and accidents.

This is the goal of the legally required driver instruction according to UVV, which must be conducted before each initial journey and then at least once a year. The legal basis for the instruction is provided by the DGUV Regulation 70open_in_new .

With a digital solution, you can conveniently conduct driver instruction through an e-learning course. Instead of organizing in-person training sessions, company car drivers can complete the course flexibly online, whether they are on the go, at home, or in the office. The content is already assembled and immediately accessible. To ensure no training is forgotten, fleet management and employees are notified by email of upcoming and overdue dates. All completed training sessions are stored seamlessly and comprehensibly, providing a corresponding proof—especially in the event of damage.

Safely instructing employees?

Train your drivers at least once a year in the safe handling of vehicles according to UVV. The best way to do this is through e-learning.

The key points on digital damage management at a glance

Digital damage management speeds up the processing of damages, increases efficiency, and relieves fleet managers of time-consuming manual tasks.

A damage report provides information on, among other things, how often damages occur, what the most common cause of damage is, and the resulting costs.

Schadenmanagement beginnt bereits mit der Prävention von Schäden. Mit einer digitalen Fahrerunterweisung nach UVV werden Fahrer*innen im sicheren Umgang mit Firmenwagen und im Verhalten bei Unfällen geschult.

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