Fleet manager defines all rules relating to the use of pool vehicles with a written pool vehicle agreement.

This belongs in a pool vehicle agreement

Sharing vehicles is becoming increasingly popular in fleets. After all, it can increase capacity utilization and avoid unnecessary downtime. At the same time, car sharing can reduce the number of vehicles in the long term and cut fleet costs. However, where vehicles are shared and used jointly, misunderstandings and conflicts can quickly arise. A pool vehicle agreement that sets out clear rules for use ensures transparency and clarity. In this article, we explain which points should definitely be included in such an agreement.

What is a pool vehicle agreement?

A pool vehicle agreement is a contractual set of rules between a company and its employees that defines the obligations and rights relating to the use of pool vehicles. The pool vehicle agreement specifies, for example, which employees have access to the pool vehicles, how the vehicle is booked and who is liable in the event of damage.

Why a pool vehicle agreement is so important in the fleet

A well-drafted pool vehicle agreement ensures the smooth use of pool vehicles within the company. It helps to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts and increase transparency within the company. Especially in the event of damageopen_in_new

a pool vehicle agreement clarifies the question of liability. Therefore, every fleet that has pool vehicles should draw up a corresponding set of rules. Be sure to record all the guidelines in the agreement in writing and have them signed by all employees who have access to and use the pool vehicles. This way, you can provide appropriate proof in the event of a conflict or damage.

Driver signs pool vehicle agreement
A pool vehicle agreement is an important instrument for clearly regulating the use of car sharing vehicles in the fleet. Have it signed by all employees who are authorized to use the vehicles.

These points should be regulated in a pool vehicle agreement

To ensure that the organization and use of the pool vehicles runs as smoothly as possible, there are various aspects that should be taken into account in an agreement. In addition to questions regarding authorization and duration of use, the distribution of costs and return should also be clarified.

  1. Authorized users: The agreement defines which employees are authorized to use the pool vehicles. This can depend on the position or department, for example.
  2. General obligations: A pool vehicle agreement should specify the obligations for employees associated with the use of the vehicles. These include, for example, a ban on smoking in the vehicle and the proper care and cleaning of the vehicle.
  3. Purpose of use: In the pool vehicle agreement, regulate the purposes for which the vehicles may be used. Are only business trips allowed or is private use also permitted? Both eventualities should be clearly stated. If the pool vehicle may also be used for private purposes, this results in a non-cash benefit that must be taxed accordinglyopen_in_new

    . The use of the vehicle between home and work can also be prohibited. Also specify whether trips abroadopen_in_new

    with the pool vehicle are permitted.
  4. Booking procedure: Determine how the vehicles can be booked. For example, you can use car sharing software that offers a clear booking calendar and allows vehicles to be booked via a smartphone app.
  5. Period of use: The agreement regulates how long an employee can use the pool vehicle, whether it can be reserved for certain periods and whether there are restrictions on the period of use. Also note where the vehicles must be located outside of working hours, especially if private use is prohibited.
  6. Accidents and liability: In an agreement, regulate who is liable in the event of an accident or damage and whether an excess must be paid. With an exclusion of liability, companies can reduce their own risk in the event of damage to a minimum or even exclude it completely. What to do in the event of a breakdown should also be part of the rules and regulations.
  7. Return: The agreement should also define guidelines for the return of the vehicle after use.
  8. Driving license revocation: The agreement should make it clear that the fleet manager must be informed immediately if the driver’s license is revoked or a driving ban is imposedopen_in_new

    and that the use of the pool vehicles is prohibited in this case.
  9. Sanctions: A pool vehicle agreement should also regulate what happens if employees violate the obligations and specifications. If a pool vehicle is used for private journeys, for example, although this is prohibited under the agreement, clear measures should be set out. This may involve a warning, a claim for damages or even termination.

Tools for flexible vehicle access

A pool vehicle agreement should also clarify how employees gain access to the vehicles. While personal key handovers in the office usually require a great deal of organization and coordination, there are also digital tools for flexible vehicle access. With a key box placed in the vehicle or a stationary key box, drivers can access vehicles around the clock. This not only relieves the burden on fleet managers, but also offers employees a great deal of convenience.

Tools für den flexible Fahrzeugzugang

In einer Poolfahrzeug-Vereinbarung sollte auch geklärt werden, wie den berechtigten Mitarbeitern Zugang zu den Fahrzeugen gewährt wird. Während persönliche Schlüsselübergaben im Büro meist sehr Organisation und Abstimmung erfordern, gibt es auch digitale Tools für den flexiblen Fahrzeugzugang. 

Mit einer Schlüsselbox, die im Fahrzeug platziert wird, oder einem stationären Schlüsselkasten können die Fahrer rund um die Uhr auf die Fahrzeuge zugreifen. Dies entlastet nicht nur Fuhrparkverantwortliche, sondern bietet auch den Mitarbeitern viel Komfort und Flexibilität. 


Die Schlüsselbox wird im Fahrzeug platziert und die Fahrer öffnen und schließen das Fahrzeug mit einer Smartphone-App. Die Box erhält das Signal via Bluetooth und funktioniert daher auch ohne Internetverbindung. Der Wagen muss für den Einsatz der Schlüsselbox nicht umgebaut werden und da diese herstellerübergreifend funktioniert, können alle gängigen Modelle damit ausgerüstet werden. Zur sicheren Verwahrung des Autoschlüssel fungiert die Box gleichzeitig als Schlüsselsafe. Ein Anbieter für Schlüsselboxen ist beispielsweise flinkeyopen_in_new


Ein Schlüsselkasten verwahrt die Schlüssel stationär. Mitarbeiter können nach der Reservierung des Fahrzeuges mit einer PIN oder einem RFID-Chip, der sich z. B. am Firmenausweis befindet, den Schrank öffnen. Der entsprechende  Schlüssel wird freigegeben und kann – markiert durch ein kleines Lichtsignal – entnommen werden. Alle anderen Schlüssel sind nicht zugänglich.

The most important facts about the pool vehicle agreement

A pool vehicle agreement is a contractual set of rules between the company and employees that defines the obligations and rights relating to the use of pool vehicles.

Such an agreement is important in order to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts and to clarify the question of liability in the event of damage.

The pool vehicle agreement should regulate aspects such as general obligations, usage authorizations and purpose, liability, return and sanctions in order to ensure smooth use of the pool vehicles and define clear measures in the event of violations.

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